Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Terima Kasih Pembaca

Selamat Tahun Baru 2012! Apa azam lu org? Apapun, gua nk ucapkan jutaan terima kasih yg tak terhingga kpd pengunjung2 blog kelabprotonsaga ni. Moga apa yg gua kongsi utk lu org sume kat sini blh bg manfaat sekaligus blh bg ilmu jugak untuk lu org & gua skli. Gua pun bkn pandai sgt, tp klu kita rajin bertanya&kongsi info gua yakin kita blh jd mcm pomen. walaupun xblh bikin, kurang2 kita tau masalah kenderaan yg kita bwk.

Tujuan asal gua bukak blog ni bkn nk menyaingi mana2 kelab2 kereta yg ada, tp untuk share maklumat serta bg info. Mmg blog ni xkn kemana tanpa pembaca&pelawat setia mcm lu org. Rajin2 lah membaca untuk pengetahuan lu org sendiri jugak. Gua xde rugi apa, lu pn xde rugi apa. Malah gua seronok dpt bertukar2 pandangan serta kongsi ilmu yg xseberapa. Diam x diam dkt setahun lbh gua blogging&mcm2 ilmu yg dpt kita kongsi untuk pengetahuan bersama. Diharap lu org dpt terus sokong blog kelabprotonsaga. Sebarang komen atau cadangan blh kongsi atau email kat gua. insyaAllah kita sama2 blh usahakan. Last skli gua nk lu org tau yg dgn sokongan lu org lah blog ni dpt capai pelawat yg pd gua agak tinggi yg gua sendiri x sangka2. Mmg gua xblh nk bandingkan dgn blog2 yg ada kat Malaysia ni yg mempunyai berjuta2 pelawat setiap hari. Pd gua, dh not bad klu pembaca lebih dr jangkaan since gua masih baru. Selamat Tahun Baru 2012!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gua cukup pantang kalau...

Right..gua ni ckup pantang kalau keta gua kotor. Maksud gua dari segi fizikal penampilan keta gua. Mata gua ckup sakit kalau tgk tayar ada kotor&tanah merah yg jadikan gua xsenang duduk. Memandangkan gua selalu bz, cara paling malas gua akan buat..... carwash la..hahaha..murah pn murah..tmpt lu org ada? biasa stesen minyak bhp yg ada auto carwash ni. So, klu lu org nk try blh jek..Xbanyak tmpt2 mcm ni. satu dlu yg gua prasan&pernah cuba kt ayer keroh, melaka. harga sama. So, apalagi, try it out!


And the result is.....still glow in the dark..So, Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2012. Moga tahun baru penuh dengan aktiviti serta peluang yg cerah untuk lu org sume..Cargas!!

 p/s: gua still lg xdpt tunaikan target gua untuk convert enjin mcm tahun lepas..hehehe..

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tayar Haus Kurang Setahun-Utusan Malaysia

Tayar haus kurang setahun

Siapa yang tidak teruja memiliki kereta baru? Lebih-lebih lagi, ia merupakan kereta pertama yang berjaya dimiliki terutamanya bagi kalangan belia yang baru memasuki alam pekerjaan selepas menamatkan pengajian di institut pengajian tinggi.

Mungkin itu yang bermain di fikiran seorang kakitangan swasta, Nawwar Wan Mansoor, 26, yang akhirnya berjaya memenuhi impiannya untuk membeli kereta jenis Toyota Vios pada Februari lalu.

Hanya perasaan gembira dan kesyukuran boleh digambarkan oleh wanita tersebut ketika pertama kali memandu kenderaan yang dibeli dengan hasil titik peluhnya sendiri.

Namun selepas lapan bulan memandu kenderaan tersebut, keempat-empat tayar kereta kesayangannya itu mula menunjukkan tanda haus manakala bunga-bunga tayar pula semakin menipis.
Hairan dan tidak berpuas hati dengan masalah tersebut, Nawwar mengemukakan aduan kepada Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia (TTPM) di ibu negara baru-baru ini.

Pada prosiding di hadapan Presiden Quaik Chong Yu, Nawwar selaku pihak yang menuntut dengan ditemani bapanya Wan Mansoor, 60, tampil mengemukakan bukti gambar tayar berkenaan.
Wanita itu dalam tuntutannya mendakwa tayar terbabit tidak mematuhi piawaian yang ditetapkan kerana tayar baru tidak sepatutnya mengalami masalah permukaan cepat haus sehingga menjadi nipis dalam tempoh kurang setahun digunakan.

Wakil syarikat tayar terbabit yang dinamakan penentang dalam tuntutan tersebut pula menyatakan, pihaknya telah menawarkan 20 peratus diskaun bagi kos menggantikan tayar baru tetapi ditolak oleh Nawwar.
Chong Yu kemudian menangguhkan prosiding selama 10 minit bagi memberi peluang kepada kedua-dua pihak untuk mencari kata sepakat terhadap tuntutan berkenaan.
Jelas beliau, sekiranya setiap pihak tidak mencapai persetujuan, maka tuntutan itu akan diteruskan dengan perbicaraan 

Namun ketika prosiding disambung semula, wakil syarikat itu yang hanya dikenali sebagai Fitri memberitahu, pihaknya akan menggantikan keempat-empat tayar itu dengan tayar baru sekiranya Nawwar sedia menarik balik tuntutannya.
Masalah berakhir apabila Nawwar bersetuju dengan tawaran tersebut.

p/s: Lu org jaga2 klu beli tayar. Gua kalau dpt tau tayar brand apa yg minah tu pakai mmg gua banned &kasi sebar 1 Malaysia ttg keburukan tayar tu. Sesetengah peniaga mau untung cpt smpi jual tayar pn nk kencing

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Getah Pintu

Kblakangan ni gua prasan yg getah pintu keta gua (sblh driver) ada air masuk bile time hujan. Mula2 gua bajet mungkin sbb pintu gua x tutup rapat. Tp bila dok perhati&selidik rupanya getah kat sekeliling pintu gua dh out. Mcmana nk tau getah dah outdated? Try tutup pintu. Klu longgar smcm&xkedap tu biasa getah dh lembut ler tu.

So, pi kedai&beli getah ni. Xmahal, dlm RM30-40 je. Dlu mase gua xtau, ada la kedai2 yg mcm lahanat tekan gua dengan harg RM80. So hati-hati. Dan suatu masa dlu jugak, disebabkan gua malas nk amik port psl keta ni, gua pernah ganti getah pintu ni (sblh driver jugak) dan dia amik upah pasang sahaja dlm RM25. Tu jam gua xtau pape. Tp la ni, gua rase duit upah tu gua blanja anak gua KFC lg bagus sbb pemasangan benda ni mmg simple. Sbb apa gua ckp simple? Sepanjang yg gua tau, kebanyakan accessories saga ni terutamanya bahagian dalam sume jenis "plug&play". sume main clip sane sini. Keta lain mungkin sama jugak kot, tp gua rse proton saga ni banyak yg mcm tu.

First, ksi bukak dlu panel2 yg berkaitan disekeliling getah tu. Kalau rajin, kasi la bersihkan sbb habuk2&pasir mmg byk terselit area situ. Kalau rajin ler. Ok, klu lu org prasan, panel2 kat keta gua ada yg ber"skru". sbb kebanyakan clip2 yg ada dh patah& psl tu gua letak skru. Blh je beli panel2 tu yg baru, tp rse mcm malas plak.

Panel2 yg kena bukak

Untuk pemasangan, pastikan getah tu jgn terbalik&kasi yg tebal kat luar. Klu silap pasang kang air bertakung kat dlm lak. Getah tu mmg bersambung, so jgn pandai2 pi potong plak. Tu la yg gua kne dlu mse kedai tu pasang. Dia potong penyambung tu&gua hanya perasan bile gua nk pasang yg baru ni. (cam haram). Jgn lupa cek balik lps pasang&pastikan getah tu masuk betul2 rapat supaya air xmasuk bila hujan atau lu basuh keta. So, masukkan sket2 getah tu disekeliling pintu tu&siap!! Kje lebih kurang stgh jam, duit pun jimat!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Air Intake Systems

The air that a car engine sucks while running makes a huge impact on its performance. The positivity or the negativity of the impact depends on the quality of the airfed to the engine. Cold air intakes offer more efficiency as the air they send to the engine is denser and molecules of oxygen and tightly bound with each other and result in improved performance of the engine.

There are alot of air intake systems available in the market these days and some can actually increase the horse power of the engine of your car. Modern cars and other vehicles have air intake systems which comprises of different parts, some systems are very complex and have specially developed intake manifolds that divide air into different cylinders and thus increase the power. Mainly a car intake system has three parts.

Air Filter
(Mass Flow Sensor & Throttle Body)

Some manufacturers also include the silencer in the construction of their intake system, but the silencer has resulted in the decrease in efficiency because it impedes the flow of the air. Therefore, most of the performance oriented vehicle owners usualy remove them.

One important part of the air intake system is the sensor which senses the temperature of the air. Cold air is allowed to enter by opening the flap. Air enters through a long plastic tube; it then goes through the air filter and finally reaches the AFM ( AIr Flow Meter). There are two types of air flow meter

- Vane type
- Hot wire type

Hot wire type system has numerous wires having constant resistant in the air passage. The cold air hits the hot wires when it enters the air intake system and makes the wires cool down. The resistance of the wires decreases due to this and the EFI computer gets more voltage and adjusts the mixture of fuel and air. It all happens in a split second but the effect on the performance is impeccable.

The throttle chamber in the air intake system controls the flow of the air into the cars engine. In addition to this chamber, another bypass chamber is present which allows a small amount of air to go through to the throttle body. This amount of the air is used to adjust the speed of engine.

The last part of an air intake system is the cold start valve. The functions performed by this component are exactly the same as of the choke present in the carburetor. This component is valve shaped with a special element present in it which expands on heating. When it is not in its expanded shape, i.e. when it is cold, it makes it easy for the air to get to the throttle chamber.

These are the main functions of an air intake system and you can greatly enhance the performance of your car by installing one. The systems like K&N air intake systems are not only affordable but also increase the horse power and fuel efficiency of the engine and allow you to take the performance of your car to the next level.

p/s: credit to

Friday, November 25, 2011

Rompin Trip

Pernah lu org pegi rompin? Rompin ni dlm kawasan pahang kira dh sempadan dgn mersing, Johor. (kalau gua salah btulkn). Klu dr KL lebih kurang dlm 311km smpi ke bandar Rompin. Agak lama gak gua x ke sini. Jalan dia pn xde highway, cuma jalan kampung&tempuh kawasan sawit. Klu sekali sekala nk layan feeling blh ler ke sini. Apa yg gua tau, kebanyakan area sini banyak perkampungan orang asli. Manakala bg kaki pancing, gua rase sini mmg port dia. Dan bg yg nk ke Pulau Tioman, jeti dia xjauh dr bandar Kuala Rompin.

Apa2hal sblm travel jauh2, mcm biasa rutin yg perlu lu org bikin adalah check kondisi kereta dlu. Sboleh2nya elakkan la perkara2 yg tak diingini yg blh merosakkan perjalanan lu org. Benda paling basic yg lu org kne amik port pd kenderaan yg lu org nk pandu tu adalah check minyak hitam dlu, pstu air radiator (which is most important). check jugak spare tank. Bg kereta yg jenis pakai bateri kering, check indicator&yg jenis pakai air kne tgk air bateri tu ckup ke tdk. Ada jenis member2 gua kalau pkai keta, main start jalan je. kalau dia sorg, mungkin xdehal. bayangkan kalau dia bawak ank bini, kan ke nnti blh bg bahaya&susahkan dorg. So paling penting untuk pengguna2 keta, kena rajin check kondisi kenderaan anda. Kemudian yg luar2 plak, check tayar&jugak angin. kne bg balance&isi secukupnya.

Ok, berbalik pd nk ke Rompin ni td pertama skli lu org kne lalu highway selatan&exit Senawang. Then amik ke Kuala Pilah - Bahau - Jempol - Bandar Tun Razak - Muadzzam Shah - Kuala Rompin. Kalau bwk rileks biasa dlm 5jam atau kurang blh sampai destinasi. Gua ingt dlu last gua sampai ke sini 2008. Tu jam keta mmg old school gile. xspray, rim kecik, kalau bwk laju confirm melayang2, spring tinggi. So, kali ni gua pegi keta dh ok sket kot. Janji enjin ok, slesa family gua dduk kira ok la. Jadi, bg yg rse2 free nk dtg sini utk jln2 bercuti, gua sarankan survey dlu internet sbb sini hotel budget mmg limited. Kalau peak hour mmg confirm penuh. Jd ada baiknya kasi booking dlu. Salah satu hotel yg gua dduk tu blh search kt internet bila lu tgk gambar. Bkn xde resort2 area sini, unless klu lu org berduit then blh lepak Hotel Sri Malaysia yg terletak jauh sket dr bandar Rompin ni, atau resort2 kt area bandar ni yg dh tentu harganya..umaaakk aiiihh..So, untuk yg nk bercuti time2 cuti skolah ni, ni mungkin destinasi yg ok kot untuk tenang2 kpala hotak..

p/s: gua jumpa ada sorg budak saga....blh buat geng..ada mase nnti gua cite

Sampai destinasi, minyak ada stgh lg (sbb gua isi pn xsampai full tank), tempreture ok&tu hotel yg gua dduk. So blh try usha&book kalau nk dtg. Slmt bercuti!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Balancing & Wheel Alignment

Gua slalunya klu buat balancing tayar dgn alignment mmg sllunye xpnh puas hti. Sbb buat la mcmana skli pun terutamanya balancing, mmg gua xpnh dpt feel yg btul2 perfect bile lps pomen bikin. lagi2 mse tgh rembat msti la ada gegar sket. Tringat plak gua kt bengkel tmpt keta gua slalu p hantar servis. Nampak mcm ok, mungkin harga dia ada mahal sket. Tp servis terbaeeekk!!

Pe benda tu wheel alignment? So ni gua dpt hasil dr pencarian..

Wheel alignment sometimes referred to as tracking, is part of standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the car maker's specification. The purpose of these adjustments is to reduce tire wear, and to ensure that vehicle travel is straight and true (without "pulling" to one side). Alignment angles can also be altered beyond the maker's specifications to obtain a specific handling characteristic. Motorsport and off-road applications may call for angles to be adjusted well beyond "normal" for a variety of reasons.

The symptoms of a car that is out of alignment are:

  • Uneven or rapid tire wear
  • Pulling or drifting away from a straight line
  • Wandering on a straight level road
  • Spokes of the steering wheel off to one side while driving on a straight and level road.

The symptoms of a wheel that is out of balance are:

  • Vibration in the steering wheel at certain highway speeds.
  • Vibration in the seat or floorboard at certain highway speeds.
  • Scalloped or cupped wear pattern on the tires

Wheel Balance: Out-of-balance tires will cause a car to vibrate at certain speeds, usually between 50 and 70 mph. A tire is out of balance when one section of the tire is heavier than the others. One ounce of imbalance on a front tire is enough to cause a noticeable vibration in the steering wheel at about 60 mph. To balance a wheel, the technician will mount it on a balancing machine which spins the wheel to locate the heavier part. He will then compensate for the heavy part by attaching a lead weight on the opposite side. Many people are pleasantly surprised at how smooth their car drives after balancing all four wheels.

Most high quality tires will hold their balance fairly well and go out of balance very gradually. If you notice a vibration that wasn't there the day before, it is possible that one of the lead balancing weights fell off. If you feel the vibration mostly in the steering wheel, the problem is most likely in a front wheel. If the vibration is mostly in the seat, the problem is probably in the rear.

For those of you who are very sensitive about vibrations and your shop can't seem to get that last bit of vibration out, check to see if you have locking wheel lugs. Some locking lugs are as much as 1.5 ounces heavier than the other lug nuts which translates to about 1/2 ounce at the wheel rim. Try putting a 1/2 ounce weight opposite the locking lug and see if it helps.

Paham dh kan? OK, berbalik pd keta gua tu plak. Gua saja nk cube since gua tgk pekerja kebanyakannya berpengalaman. Gua kasi lu org layan gambar2 yg gua snap. Kalau kedai yg baik, mmg gua akan kongsi utk area2 yg berdekatan.

Kebiasaannya utk kreta2 jenis old school mcm gua, bile sampai 1 tahap buat balacing xblh gak dpt perfect, dia akan buat 1lg dipanggil "onwheel balancing" dimana sebijik mesin akan dia pasang pd tayar don keta, dan dia akan letak la pemberat&kasi pusing tayar kita tu sampai maksimum. Keputusannya, gua puas hati dgn kerja2 bengkel ni. Lokasi? Puchong. Blh tgk map&gambar..Chiow!!

p/s: pd yg kurang jelas dgn gambar yg gua upload ni, blh click kt gambar tu&save kt desktop lu org. Then view blk. insyaAllah clear..slamat melawat blog!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Proton Contest

Lu org ada saga lame?? meh join contest dari proton. Senang je contest dia. Lg bagus kalau ada saga yg buruk gile, snap gambor then hantar. Click gambar utk screenshot besar.

Untuk maklumat lanjut blh usha web proton :

Syarat2 dia blh tgk kt gambar yg gua highlight tu atau tgk web dia. sng je masuk. sbb dh ada pemenang psl contest start bln Julai x silap gua. tarikh tutup 28Dec2011.

Cuba je la, mane tau nasib lu org baik. Kereta2 lu org dibuat oleh team R3. So dia akan barai sume kasi bikin baru. Maklumat lanjut psl berita pemenang blh usha web nih:

Mengikut kata Proton, jika dpt sambutan utk contest ni, R3 akn bikin proton makeover ni kena bayar. So, better masuk cpt. mane tau rezeki lu org. Gua? hehe..xlayak masuk sbb keta gua dh siap di makeover. Goodluck!!

Ada sen lebeh? blh try2 usha kereta kluaran baru proton in future:

Syabas kepada Proton! Terbaeeekk..

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alternator 2

Igt lagi psl gua pernah sembang ttg alternator sblm nih? Tgk kt sini. Agk lame jugak la gua simpan brg ni psl gua mmg sibuk nk p jumpa member yg blh tgl modify kn alternator ni. Tetiba gua teringat ada sorg mmber gua yg blh bikin&dduk dkt area tmpt gua. So ni la hasilnya.

Yg ada anak panah tu menunjukkan skru tu yg di modified. Sbnrnya blh buat pun, tp lu org tau je la hantar kedai dh tentu la xmau byk kje. So apalg..."kita xbleh bikin ooo..mau ganti 1 ketul"..."Taukey, brapa harga kalau ganti 1ketul?"...."Lu mau recon punye RM180 siap pasang, original punye 4ratus lebey ooo"....

Tu ha gua punye dh siap bikin. Original mitsubishi lg. Tgk gelung dlm tu pun cun lagi. So sape2 mau, gua blh jual. Brg gerenti xde mslh. Chow!